Flowers, birds and farmer’s markets… oh my! Longer days and warmer nights are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to experiencing all the joys that spring in Austin brings. The change in seasons can bring a renewed sense of energy and motivation, allowing you to reevaluate goals and reset intentions for wellness.
However, If you’re like most people and have “fallen off the wagon” from the new year’s resolutions you set a couple months ago, here are a few tips to consider that may help reignite that inner fire and get you back on the path to complete spring cleaning!
Prune those toxic “weeds”!
Weeds can be anything in your life (internally or externally) that is out of place and impacts your health and life in a negative way. Give yourself a fresh start! Whether it’s the Peoples 3-day Seasonal Cleanse, the Standard Process 21-Day Purification Program or a series of sauna treatments, consider doing something to purge those wintertime “weeds.” This is a perfect time to identify any plateaus you may be experiencing. You might need to change your routine or reassess the amount of sleep you’re actually getting. A restful night can make a big difference on your outlook the next morning. Make sure you’re getting at least 6-8 hours. Whatever it is, take the time to find out. You’ll be glad you did.
Be spontaneous!
Actor and comedian Robin Williams once said, “Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’” Being spontaneous means not overthinking it. Release your inner child. Sign up for a class you know nothing about. Try a new way of doing an old thing. Check out a museum or historic landmark in your city. Incorporate more play into your life. Get creative with it!
Be fully present!
Being present simply means being fully engaged in the task you are doing. When you are fully present, you hear what the other person is saying. Your attention, thoughts and feelings are with them and that adds value to the quality time you spend together. If you’re reading a book, give it your full attention. Allow yourself to be in the moment and experience everything that is around you. You open yourself up to be more creative and focused which makes you more likely to enjoy your experiences or the person(s) you are with.
Take the time to find out what being full of the joys of spring means for you. Peoples offers a variety of modalities to help you regain your energy and align your mind, body and soul. Whether that means meeting with one of our wonderful practitioners or indulging in some delicious gluten-free treats, set your intention to inviting joy in all forms.
by Tava Buckner.