If you are seeking gentle and effective natural ways to support a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder, or ASD, homeopathy might be just what you’re searching for.

It has been my honor and privilege to serve families impacted by ASD for the past 16 years. When I first began, homeopathy for ASD was a relatively new alternative. Over the years, it has grown tremendously because of its ability to focus on the unique needs of each individual and its wide array of gentle, non-toxic options. 

Many of the families who find their way to my doorstep have tried many things prior to working with me and seeing success with homeopathy. Although they may have seen benefits with other modalities, in many cases improvement was slow or unsustainable, or after a while they experienced a healing plateau or halt in improvement. There are numerous ways to use homeopathy and depending on the needs and background of the individual, some respond better to one method than another. 

In this article, I will share with you:

  1. Noteworthy remedies I’ve used with ASD children
  2. How I use “Deep Healing Homeopathy” strategies to support:
    • Speech improvement
    • Immune system rebuilding
    • Overall health—body, mind, and emotions
  3. Four key themes I’ve seen emerge through serving many families over many years

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neuro-developmental disorder that affects individuals to varying degrees and in a variety of ways. It affects the whole person and can include physical health as well as behavior, motor skills, speech, sensory development, social abilities, and emotional wellness.

What Is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a systematic form of natural, holistic healing developed over 200 years ago by a German physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. With the ability to support individuals physically and energetically, it gently stimulates and rebalances body, mind, emotions, and energy flow through organs and meridians. When used appropriately, it increases healing vitality by boosting the body’s own self-healing and regulating abilities.

Although homeopathy is best known for treating acute ailments such as injuries and acute infections, it is a vast field with a variety of treatment options for virtually any health condition and can also support the healing of chronic, complex and seemingly impossible to treat conditions. Whatever the issue, the goal of homeopathy is to return the body to balance (or homeostasis) so it can gather strength and heal naturally.

Why Consider Homeopathy For ASD Healing and Symptom Management?

Many reasons! Among them are the following:

●    Homeopathy supports detoxification, rebalancing, and overall healing

●    It supports the emotional wellbeing of the child

●    Homeopathic remedies are free of chemical toxins and do not cause side effects

●    They are safe for individuals who are sensitive to supplements or have challenges digesting them

●    Homeopathy is safe for infants, children, and pregnant women

●    It initiates and supports cellular repair and regeneration

If you want to learn more about homeopathy, read this! An Introduction to Homeopathy

Remedies for Common ASD Symptoms

The following is a list of remedies with the symptoms they are known to support. These are remedies I use regularly in practice, and with which I consistently see good results.

  1. Ignatia – Sadness, grief and emotional sensitivity. An excellent remedy for parents who are experiencing all the normal emotions associated with receiving a diagnosis—recent or even many years prior. Children or adults who tend to be perfectionistic and/or suppress their emotions. Emotional suppression can lead to many physical health challenges including insomnia, restlessness, chronic constipation, chronic cough or repeated sore throats, anxiety, overwhelm, and a weakened immune system that is more prone to viruses or other challenges.
  1. Ether – Supports individuals who appear ungrounded or act out-of-sorts in their body; tend to have bad dreams and tend to get overly excited in common situations; their nervous system seems on edge. Physical symptoms include dizziness and headache as well as nausea and vomiting.
  1. Veratrum album – Children who seem to be disconnected from their emotions, exhibiting great restlessness and even aggression. Fear of being rejected or disliked. Veratrum also supports the liver, helping with detoxification.
  1. Pulsatilla – Known as a children’s remedy, Pulsatilla offers a broad range of support, making it an excellent remedy to have on hand at all times (and in fact very useful for the whole family). The child cries easily, acts needy and clingy, loves being cuddled and carried; is prone to whining if not coddled or given attention. Pulsatilla is a very common remedy for colds, coughs, earache and stuffy nose when mucus appears creamy and yellowish green.
  1. Agaricus muscarius – Talkative children that easily get over-excited and hyperactive; helps with muscle spasms, tics, and twitching. Very helpful for intolerable skin itching that causes sleeplessness. Children who are slow to talk, are stubborn, tend to be clumsy and exhibit reckless behavior.
  1. Belladonna and Chamomilla – both support sensory sensitivity, moodiness, and intense emotions. Belladonna is marked by neurological imbalance, manic behavior, high fevers, tonsillitis and frequent sore throats, sudden onset of symptoms, dilated pupils and hot skin. Chamomilla is characterized by anger, tantrums and irritability. The person needing it is oversensitive, easily upset, very cross and cannot be appeased. They ask for one thing but when they get it, they want something different!
  1. Tarentula hispanica — Child is very restless and difficult to calm, hyperactive. The child is fidgety, hurried and constantly in motion. Symptoms can appear suddenly. Other remedies to consider for restlessness and hyperactivity are Cina, Apis and Zincum metallicum.
  1. Cypripedium pubescens is well-known for the child who wakes in the middle of the night feeling energized and talkative, wanting to play and even jump on the bed with no desire to go back to sleep.
  1. Rhus tox, Nitric Acid, Cuprum met, Arsenicum – Rigid, repetitive thought patterns that are very difficult to shift; all can be helpful depending on the unique circumstance to clear emotional trauma that seems lodged in the body and nervous system.
  1. Med-americana – OCD-behavior and symptoms with flares of emotions marked by anger; seems impossible for the child to calm down. Children of all ages seem to benefit from this remedy at one time or another. It is deeply healing, cleansing, and very supportive for the child who is afraid of failure. Given at the right time, it seems to lift a dark cloud from the psyche. This is a deep-acting remedy, so for those inexperienced with homeopathy, it’s best used with the guidance of a practitioner.
  1. Nat-fluoraticum – Toxicity associated with fluoride and aluminum. This remedy is used often for twitching; is helpful for children sensitive to EMFs and radiation; focuses scattered energy and can support relaxation. 

Deep Healing Homeopathy

Over the years, I’ve developed my personal style of homeopathy called Deep Healing Homeopathy. At the core is a specific type of homeopathy known as Sequential Homeopathy. Developed in the 1970s by Swiss physician, Jean Elmiger, M.D., Sequential Homeopathy focuses on the unlayering (gentle detoxification) of physical and emotional traumas, starting with the most recent and working backwards to birth. To learn more about Sequential Homeopathy, see Jean Elmiger’s classic work entitled Rediscovering Real Medicine

In a nutshell, Sequential Homeopathy uses specific remedies in a variety of potencies to stimulate detoxification and support the body’s release and resolution of issues associated with environmental toxins, physical trauma including injuries (even if they occurred years ago), emotional shocks, medications, EMF sensitivity, allergic reactions, illnesses, and vaccine injury. Although one type of toxin doesn’t typically cause the issue or problem on its own, it’s the combination of multiple factors all at once that seems to create the perfect storm.

Guided by each client’s specific needs, history and lifestyle, I use other support remedies alongside sequential treatment, including drainage and detox formulas such as gemmotherapy, herbal formulations, custom homeopathic droppers, nutritional support, and energy healing. Although there are many tools to draw from, I have seen over the years that less is often more and that healing does not have to be complicated or cost a fortune, but working with an experienced practitioner is key.

Homeopathy gently nudges the body along a healing trajectory for consistent, sustainable improvement of chronic issues while also assisting with current symptoms such as:

●     Diarrhea, constipation, gut pain and inflammation

●     Repeat viral, bacterial, or yeast/fungal infections

●     Potty-training issues and/or bedwetting

●     Food and environmental allergies

●     Emotional strain, hyper-sensitivity, and repetitive OCD-like patterns

Although no one method can promise a cure, homeopathy seems to help a large majority of individuals to some degree. It is very rare to see no benefit at all—it’s just a matter of how much and how far.

Wisdom Gained Over Many Years

The following are a few of the many insights I’ve gleaned over the years. Each item deserves its own full article and if you’re interested in reading more, please visit jennablaze.com and look for more articles to come.

1.       ASD Children Are Brilliant

Never underestimate the intelligence and understanding that is happening inside of each child. They have so much to say and so much to teach us. It is not uncommon for people to assume that these children don’t understand or comprehend a lot, especially if they are not verbal or if their behavior doesn’t seem to make sense on the surface. However, inside the heart and mind of each child is a beautiful, bright and brilliant individual. It’s our task to bring it out into the light.

2.       The Importance of Detox

It is impossible to describe in a brief article the importance of detox when it comes to children with ASD or virtually any chronic condition. The disease symptoms are manifesting primarily, because the body’s detox capacity is overwhelmed. The body-mind connection has been disrupted and the neurological system put in a state of hypervigilance because of the inability to process a deluge of environmental toxins and unexpected traumas as a result. We are multi-faceted and multi-layered beings with a tremendous capacity for healing, but when the system gets overwhelmed, it can short-circuit.

When toxins are removed gently and systematically from the body, a renewed vitality can begin to awaken. In my opinion, detox should be one of the first things we do! When a gentle process of detoxification is undertaken, the body becomes better equipped to digest, process, learn and develop. Any other type of therapy or healing method that is pursued or undertaken can work better and yield better results when detox pathways are operating effectively. 

3.       Less is More When It Comes To Therapy

It’s common and understandable to want to take a child to many types of therapies. There is the hope that more therapy will equal faster healing, but this is not what I’ve seen to be the reality. In my experience, these children can get easily overloaded. I believe they want to please and do well, but too much pressure can stall or block forward movement. If their little bodies are not feeling well inside, therapy can fall flat or seem like an uphill slog, making things worse instead of better. Many behavioral issues actually stem from the child feeling physically inflamed, overburdened with toxin load, and feeling “not at home” in their body. I’ve seen focused, strategic therapy yield much better results when pursued along with or after a period of gentle healing and detox.

4.       The Importance of the Entire Family

An ASD diagnosis does not affect just the child, but the entire family—parents and siblings. I can’t overstate the importance of seeking care and support for each individual family member. Of course, both parents are very important, but since mom is often the primary caretaker, it’s common for children to improve more easily when mom is being supported, cared for and her health concerns are addressed as well. It’s as if there is an invisible umbilical cord which never gets severed. Witnessing mom and child heal together is an incredible experience.

In addition to homeopathy, sometimes I include a few gentle supplements to support the immune system, detoxification and/or healing in general, depending on the unique needs of the individual. Again, less is often more and after seeing initial progress with homeopathy we often find that we don’t need as many supplements as we might have anticipated. That said, here a few of the supplements I like to use, when appropriate:

  • Liposomal Vitamin C
  • Liposomal Glutathione
  • B Vitamins 
  • Zinc Glycinate (Dosage is very important to get right with Zinc, so be sure to get guidance from your Practitioner or a Peoples Wellness Specialist)
  • Magnesium oil spray
  • Magnesium L-threonate 
  • Essential oils, such as Frankincense, Lavender, Cedarwood, Bergamot, and Vetiver
  • Gut-supportive supplements such as probiotics, calming herbs, and digestive enzymes

The takeaway. Because of homeopathy’s ability to support daily symptom patterns, assist the immune system and support emotional wellbeing without overburdening the delicate system of the ASD child, it really is one of the most formidable healing modalities to consider, whether you’re wanting deep healing, daily support or both.

Jenna Blaze, DIHom, DSHP is a professional homeopath with 17 years of experience. She holds a diploma in homeopathy from the British Institute of Homeopathy, and an advanced degree in Sequential Homeopathy, a specialized style of homeopathy that supports detoxification and the healing of chronic health conditions. Jenna is also a certified Shamanic practitioner through Ancient Ways Shamanic Training and Healing. After her own drug-free recovery from Lyme disease, Jenna created Deep Healing Homeopathy, her unique style of homeopathy and healing to support healing of physical and emotional trauma. She specializes in pediatrics, Autism Spectrum (ASD), women’s health, immune system rebuilding, and healing of trauma-induced physical illness. She is passionate about empowering others to take charge of their health and achieve optimal wellness. To learn more about her practice, see her websites: www.jennablaze.com and www.livingspiritwisdom.com.

If you have comments and/or questions about this blog, email us at blog@peoplesrx.com.