Stretching for Life & Vitality

Peoples Wellness Center (North) 13860 US 183 N Ste B, Austin, TX, United States

A wellness seminar with Ashlie von Stroh, LMT. Are you experiencing stiffness or sore muscles? Are you unable to handle workouts like you used to? You might just need a good stretch! Join Ashlie...

Gluten-Free/Dairy-Free Easily

Peoples Wellness Center (North) 13860 US 183 N Ste B, Austin, TX, United States

Have you or someone you love been diagnosed with a gluten or dairy sensitivity? Can’t fathom your life without these foods? Are you curious how eliminating gluten- and dairy-containing foods can...


Standard Process 21-Day Purification Program Overview

Peoples South Conference Room 3801 S Lamar, Austin, TX, United States

A wellness seminar with Cathy Harvey, ACN. Have the holidays of turkey, desserts and alcohol left you feeling a little sluggish? Do you feel like you could use a cleanse but...


Transform Your Digestive Health and Lose 5lbs FAST with Essential Oils!

Peoples South Conference Room 3801 S Lamar, Austin, TX, United States

This January, make your new year's resolution a reality with the magic of essential oils! Join Peter Craig and Arttemis Keszainn to learn how Young Living essential oils, supplements and enzymes can...


Transform Your Digestive Health and Lose 5lbs FAST with Essential Oils!

Peoples South Conference Room 3801 S Lamar, Austin, TX, United States

This January, make your new year's resolution a reality with the magic of essential oils! Join Peter Craig and Arttemis Keszainn to learn how Young Living essential oils, supplements and enzymes can...


Is Your Desk Killing You? Pain Relief through Ergonomics

Peoples Wellness Center (North) 13860 US 183 N Ste B, Austin, TX, United States

A wellness seminar with Ashlie von Stroh, LMT. Are you or a loved one experiencing body pain? Is it a struggle to manage the pain, even with medications? Could your...


Detox Simplified: Out With The Old, In With The New

Peoples South Conference Room 3801 S Lamar, Austin, TX, United States

Do you feel sluggish or fatigued but can't determine why? Have you visited the doctor and run lab tests, but the results show nothing's wrong? Do you have brain fog,...


Detox Simplified: Out With The Old, In With The New

Peoples South Conference Room 3801 S Lamar, Austin, TX, United States

Do you feel sluggish or fatigued but can't determine why? Have you visited the doctor and run lab tests, but the results show nothing's wrong? Do you have brain fog,...


Detox Simplified: Out With The Old, In With The New

Peoples Wellness Center (Central) 4107 Medical Parkway Suite 100, Austin, TX, United States

Do you feel sluggish or fatigued but can't determine why? Have you visited the doctor and run lab tests, but the results show nothing's wrong? Do you have brain fog,...


Detox Simplified: Out With The Old, In With The New

Peoples Wellness Center (Central) 4107 Medical Parkway Suite 100, Austin, TX, United States

Do you feel sluggish or fatigued but can't determine why? Have you visited the doctor and run lab tests, but the results show nothing's wrong? Do you have brain fog,...
