Sneezy? Runny nose? Itchy eyes? Sinus congestion? If these symptoms sound familiar, you could be one of the many living in Central Texas who suffer from the dreaded cedar fever. However, do not fear! There are natural remedies that can help reverse your symptoms and bring fast relief!
Cedar allergies are primarily spurred by the body’s over-reaction to juniper pollen (from cedar trees). When this pollen becomes lodged and stuck in our airway passages, our body responds violently in an effort to rid our systems of this pollen. Hence, the sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and overall miserable feeling. Peoples customers have relied on us for relief for years now with great results and we’ve got the remedies to turn your cedar fever around!
Peoples’ Cedar Fever homeopathic remedy is the most popular to relieve itchy eyes, sinus congestion and/or runny nose. Available in a convenient oral spray, dropper and pellet form, the best way to dose them is to “take a dose.” Feel relief. When the relief goes away (when symptoms return), take another dose, no matter the time frame. As homeopathic remedies have no reported side effects or drug interactions in over 200 years of use, they are incredibly safe to use regularly.
In addition to the Cedar Fever homeopathic remedy, don’t forget a saline nasal rinse such as a neti pot to cleanse and hydrate the nasal passages. Using a neti pot 1-3 times a day can keep the pollen from accumulating in the nasal passages and thereby worsening symptoms.
Lastly, there are alternative options to help alleviate your cedar fever symptoms including locally-made BioStar Botanicals Cedar Serum and Integrative Healing Institute’s CedarX. Neither of these products are homeopathic yet still offer high-powered alternatives with just as effective results! We also offer herbal and nutritional support from products such as Orthomolecular D-Hist, AllerDMG from DaVinci Labs, CompliAllers, Thorne Research Quercenase, various brands of vitamin C, enzymes and more.
Stop into any Peoples location today and speak with a Wellness Specialist about combatting your cedar allergies.
– written in collaboration with Lorri Anderson, CCH.