Latest Past Events

Texas VegFest 2017

Unnamed Venue Austin

We're proud to be a sponsor of the Texas VegFest 2017, celebrating plant-based diets and cruelty-free lifestyles at Fiesta Gardens in Austin, TX. Come say hi to us at our booth!  

Control Your Blood Glucose and Cholesterol Naturally

Peoples Wellness Center (North) 13860 US 183 N Ste B, Austin

A wellness seminar with Amy Nelson, ND*. Do you have high cholesterol? Pre-diabetes? High blood pressure or increased visceral fat deposition? These are the four cornerstones to Metabolic Syndrome (formerly Syndrome X), something that 1 out of every 4 Americans have. It is believed that Metabolic Syndrome will eclipse smoking at the #1 cause of...


Lyme Disease Support Group Meeting

South Lamar Conference Room 3801 S. Lamar, Austin

The Greater Austin Area Lyme Disease Support Group is open to Lyme patients, their friends and families and anyone who wants to learn more. The group offers personal support and a guest speaker related to healing at every meeting. We also actively advocate for the cause on a local and national level. Please RSVP to Tamara at