Latest Past Events

Untangling the Truth about Tongue Tie

Peoples Wellness Center (North) 13860 US 183 N Ste B, Austin

Tongue tie can be a pain in your neck or somewhere else. Curious about all the fuss about tongue tie? Never heard of hidden tongue tie? Quite sure it has nothing to do with you? Experiencing migraines, TMJ, gum disease, breathing or swallowing issues, dowagers hump, Reflux/indigestion, sore neck/back, mouth breather, tongue does not lift well, crooked teeth, too...

Medical Astrology: Improving Health with Self-Knowledge and Self-Awareness

Peoples South Conference Room 3801 S Lamar, Austin

Join acupuncturist and vedic astrologer Anniina Gregg for an insightful glimpse into the inner workings of your life and health. Anniina specializes in medical astrology. Medical astrology allows us the opportunity to view our constitution, health, immunity, and susceptibility to disease and illness from a unique perspective. Learn about how this understanding and information can...

Allergies and Oriental Medicine

Peoples Wellness Center (North) 13860 US 183 N Ste B, Austin

Allergies are nothing to sneeze at, and living in Austin, we all fight them. Whether it’s oak, cedar, mold, or even the dander from friendly Fido, it’s hard to keep functional when your nose is plugged and you can’t breathe. Learn how to breathe a sigh of relief as resident acupuncturist Jane Yu shares the...
