Latest Past Events

Restart Your Health

Peoples Wellness Center (North) 13860 US 183 N Ste B, Austin

Confused by what new weight loss and healthy advice you "should" be following? Weight loss and sustainable health is completely individual and achievable. End the confusion this year. Join Nutrition Therapist Anna Wilson for a discussion about mindset, inflammation, and sustainable weight loss. For questions, call 512-219-8600 or email, and be sure to follow...


Why Cleanse?

Peoples South Conference Room 3801 S Lamar, Austin

Come learn about our 13th annual New Year, New You Detox Cleanse! We live in a toxic world. Even if you eat lean and green, it is hard to escape toxicity. The new year is a great time to detox and reset! Join Dr. VanNoy to learn how to lose weight, add years to your...


Super Stressed? Your Adrenal Glands Might Be Causing You To Hold Weight!

Peoples South Conference Room 3801 S Lamar, Austin

Join us to learn about: How your body deals with stress The sympathetic or "fight or flight" system The parasympathetic or "rest and digest" system Tips to control stress and drop midsection belly fat RSVP to Dr. Danny VanNoy graduated from Parker University in Dallas with two Bachelor of Science degrees (Anatomy, Health &...
