Safe Removal of Dental Amalgam Fillings to Reduce Mercury Exposure

Peoples Wellness Center (North) 13860 US 183 N Ste B, Austin, TX, United States

Every day around the world dentists continue to place fillings that contain mercury despite the proven links between mercury and dementia, birth defects, Alzheimer’s, and more. So why, if these...

Ketogenic vs. Paleo Diet

Peoples Wellness Center (North) 13860 US 183 N Ste B, Austin, TX, United States

Learn about the difference between two popular diets  - The Ketogenic and Paleo diets. The Ketogenic diet is a way of eating that shifts your body from being a sugar...

Leaky Gut Syndrome: The Link Between Inflammation and Epigenetics

Peoples South Conference Room 3801 S Lamar, Austin, TX, United States

This is the first discussion in a 5 part series called, “A Gut Feeling: Learning about the Epicenter of Health and the Science of Epigenetics.” Join Dr. Elena Villanueva and...

Lectins: What You Don’t Know Could Be Hurting You

Peoples Wellness Center (North) 13860 US 183 N Ste B, Austin, TX, United States

If you struggle with unresolved inflammation, aches, pain, bloating, autoimmune diseases, compromised digestion, food intolerances, brain fog or fatigue, lectins - a protein found in grains, seeds, skin and seeds...

Lyme Disease Support Group Meeting

South Lamar Conference Room 3801 S. Lamar, Austin, Texas, United States

The Greater Austin Area Lyme Disease Support Group is open to Lyme patients, their friends and families and anyone who wants to learn more. The group offers personal support and...


Restart Your Health in Just 5 Weeks!

Peoples Wellness Center (North) 13860 US 183 N Ste B, Austin, TX, United States

Part nutritional education, part sugar detox, part support group – an empowering combination! The RESTART® Program is a simple, powerful way to give your body a vacation from sugar and processed foods. With...


Healing Autoimmunity – A Personal Journey

Peoples Wellness Center (North) 13860 US 183 N Ste B, Austin, TX, United States

Autoimmune conditions are complex and many current treatment plans are oversimplified. Join Tammy Thomas as she addresses what she believes is a common missing link for healing, as well as the critical phases a healing protocol...

Introduction to Barefoot Running

Pecan Grove Picnic Area of Zilker Park 2100 Barton Springs Road, Austin, TX, United States

Improve the mobility and stability of your neuro-musculoskeletal system in this short introductory course to barefoot walking and running. You must walk (correctly) before you run (correctly). And likewise, you...


Heart Disease: America’s Biggest Killer

Peoples Wellness Center (North) 13860 US 183 N Ste B, Austin, TX, United States

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the U.S., so it's important to take care of your heart! Join Dr. Scott Jurica and learn about the best foods...