IBS: Gut Inflammation and You

Peoples Wellness Center (North) 13860 US 183 N Ste B, Austin, TX, United States

IBS is a common condition that includes chronic diarrhea, constipation, gas and bloating. This talk will outline how diet, gut flora, stress and lifestyle conditions impact IBS. Amy Nelson, ND* completed an associateship at the IBS Treatment Center in Santa Monica, CA, where she addressed food allergies, yeast overgrowths and SIBO in the treatment of IBS. Free...


Keep If Off Weight Loss – A Sustainable Approach to Weight

Peoples Wellness Center (North) 13860 US 183 N Ste B, Austin, TX, United States

Losing weight is not just about adjusting the number on a scale or fitting into smaller clothing. Health and wellness are the heart of your body composition. Dieting in the wrong way can often do more harm than good. Join Nutrition Therapy Practitioner Anna Wilson for this supportive 5-week class and learn about how dietary changes can...

Control Your Blood Glucose and Cholesterol Naturally

Peoples Wellness Center (North) 13860 US 183 N Ste B, Austin, TX, United States

A wellness seminar with Amy Nelson, ND*. Do you have high cholesterol? Pre-diabetes? High blood pressure or increased visceral fat deposition? These are the four cornerstones to Metabolic Syndrome (formerly Syndrome X), something that 1 out of every 4 Americans have. It is believed that Metabolic Syndrome will eclipse smoking as the #1 cause of Heart...


Determining the Exercise That is Right for You

Peoples Wellness Center (North) 13860 US 183 N Ste B, Austin, TX, United States

Are you not losing weight despite how much you exercise? Are you too tired to exercise? This talk examines various exercise routines that influence health factors. Join Tammy Thomas, MS, RDN, LDN, and find out if your exercise is hurting or helping you!   Tammy Thomas, MS, RDN, LDN, is a Texas-licensed Registered Dietitian Nutritionist,...

Homeopathy for Kids

Peoples Wellness Center (North) 13860 US 183 N Ste B, Austin, TX, United States

Back to school means preparing our little ones for new colds, flus and allergies. Homeopathy is a safe, effective, low-cost method for supporting many common, acute health challenges for our kids. Join Nutritionist Dawn Welch and learn about great basic homeopathic remedies to keep in your medicine cabinet! SAMSUNG CSC With diplomas in Naturopathy, Herbalism and Homeopathy, Nutritionist Dawn...

The Hard Facts on Bone Health

Peoples Wellness Center (North) 13860 US 183 N Ste B, Austin, TX, United States

Join Amy Nelson, ND*, and learn a nutritional and holistic approach to optimizing bone density, understanding osteopenia and osteoporosis causes, and preventing bone degeneration.   Amy Nelson, ND* received her Naturopathic Doctorate from the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, OR where she studied nutrition, homeopathy, herbal and functional medicine. In addition, Dr. Nelson was...

Natural Approaches for Dyslexia and ADHD

Peoples Wellness Center (North) 13860 US 183 N Ste B, Austin, TX, United States

A wellness seminar with Phyllis Books, MA, DC, CCN, DACBN. Is ADD/ADHD causing distress for you or a loved one? Is a family member or colleague’s ADHD causing disruptions in the home or workplace? If so, join Dr. Books to discover natural ways to improve ADHD symptoms and strengthen relationships! Learn how to minimize the effect...

Sustainable Weight Loss

Peoples Wellness Center (North) 13860 US 183 N Ste B, Austin, TX, United States

Have you struggled with extra weight and are ready to try a different approach? Join Nutrition Therapy Practitioner Anna Wilson for a discussion of what contributes to weight gain, how popular weight loss tactics fail and how to maintain a lasting healthy weight.  Learn about inflammation, digestion, and what foods to eat and why!  ...

HAAM Benefit Day!

Unnamed Venue TX

Join us for a celebration for HAAM Benefit Day, Tuesday, September 12, noon to 2PM at all four Peoples' locations, benefitting the Health Alliance for Austin Musicians! Live music + free deli samplings + Peoples will be donating 5 percent of the day’s proceeds from deli and wellness sales directly to HAAM! Join the fun, and stock up at any Peoples Rx on September...

Zyto™: Interpretation of Your Bio-Electric Field

Peoples Wellness Center (North) 13860 US 183 N Ste B, Austin, TX, United States

A wellness seminar by Dawn Welch, Nutritionist. Interested in learning how biocommunication technology can provide unique and powerful insights into your health and wellness? Join Nutritionist Dawn Welch to discover how Zyto™ technology uses the body's natural energetic field to illuminate hidden elements of your health. Through the Zyto™ hand cradle, a communication is established...
