Our Wellness Experts are Ready to Answer Your Questions.

At Peoples Rx, we not only have a diverse group of experienced health counselors who work our floor, including highly trained nutritionists, homeopaths, and acupuncturists, we also have passionate practitioners who offer private consultations. Whether you have an upset stomach, trouble focusing, or you’re looking for new ways to maintain your edge on a daily basis, our wellness team at Peoples Rx brings a wealth of holistic health experience to every situation. Want to schedule an appointment with a Peoples practitioner? Click on their image below for bio and contact information.

Get To Know Our Experienced Practitioners

Our diverse team of knowledgeable practitioners is dedicated to providing you with comprehensive support and personalized care, helping you wherever you are on your wellness journey.

Click on their pictures below to read their bios.

Peoples Wellness Center Trusted Referrals

Find scheduling information and read their bios by clicking on their pictures below.
For records requests, email records@peoplesrx.com.

Click on their pictures below to read their bios.